By Tsutsumi Studios

The Great and The Powerless

In a time before ours, and a land yet unseen

A grand sage forged his path with foretold gleam

Bestowed with power when still too callow

The great king was compelled to follow odd means

With divine protection and a ritual not shallow

The prophet invokes the puppet within the hour

To do his bidding, he would not trust sorrow

He would trick the beast and gain it's power

But knew he not, the beast this so foretold

It would be futile to say yet another word

For his assistance would not suffice

The heavens alone shall roll the dice

In rage, for treason would the angels smite

For the trumpet's might would soon ignite

This unscrupulous deed would bring ill fortune

For holy land never sought risk of such proportion


Game Design Document

Development log

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